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song:may-morning-carol [2022/05/01 13:09] Jeff Biglersong:may-morning-carol [2022/05/01 13:09] (current) Jeff Bigler
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 +====== May Morning Carol ======
 +===== (Hymnus Eucharisticus) =====
 +<abc>%%stretchlast yes
 +T:May Morning Carol
 +T:(Hymnus Eucharisticus)
 +C:Benjamin Rogers (1614-1698)
 +K:A minor
 +%%score (S A) (T B)
 +V:S clef=treble name="S" snm="S"
 +V:A clef=treble name="A" snm="A"
 +V:T middle=D clef=bass name="T" snm="T"
 +V:B middle=d clef=bass name="B" snm="B"
 +A A B | c>d e | (d/c/ B>)A | ^G3 |
 +E E E | E2 E | (F-F>E) | E3 |
 +w:1.~Te De-um | Pa-trem | col - i- | mus, |
 +w:2.~Te a-do- | ra-mus | O_ Je- | su, |
 +w:3.~Ac-tus in | cru-cem | fac - tus | est |
 +w:4.~Ti-bi, ae- | ter-ne | Spi - ri- | tus |
 +w:5.~Tri-u-ne | De-us, | ho - mi- | num |
 +c c ^G | A2 B | (A d>) c | B3 |
 +a a e | a2 g | f d2 | e3 |
 +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bar 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 +G G A | B2 c | d-d>c | c3 |
 +E E E | G2 G | (F/E/ D>) E | E3 | 
 +w:Te lau-di- | bus pro- | se - - qui- | mur; |
 +w:Te, Fi-li | u-ni- | ge - - ni- | te, |
 +w:I-ra-to | De-o | vic - - ti- | ma |
 +w:cu-ius aff- | la-tu | pe - - pe- | rit |
 +w:sa-lu-tis | auc-tor | op - - ti- | me, |
 +B B c | d2 e | (d/c/ c>) B | c3 |
 +e e a | g2 e | f g2 | c3 |
 +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bar 9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 +c c c | B2 (c/B/) | A (A>B) | ^G3 |
 +E E E | D2 E | E (E>D) | E3 |
 +w:Qui cor-pus | ci-bo | re- fi - | cis |
 +w:Te qui non | de-dig- | na- tus * |  es |
 +w:per te, Sal- | va-tor | u-ni - | ce |
 +w:in-fan-tem | De-um | Ma-ri - | a, |
 +w:im- men- sum | hoc mys- | te-ri - | um |
 +G G G | G2 G | A A2 | B3 |
 +c c c | g2 e | f f2 | e3 |
 +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bar 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 +A B c | d2 (d/c/) | (c B>) A | A3 |]
 +C D E | (D>E) F | E2 (D/E/) | C3 |]
 +w:cae-les-ti | men - tem | gra-ti- | a. |]
 +w:su-bi-re | clau - tra | Vir-gi- | nis. |]
 +w:vi-tae spes | no - bis | re-di- | it. |]
 +w:ae-ter-num | be - ne- | di-ci- | mus. |]
 +w:o-ran-te | lin - gua | ca-ni- | mus. |]
 +c B G | A2 (B/A/) | (A A>)^G | A3 |]
 +a g e | (f>e) d | e2 e | A3 |]</abc>