Tune: Durham Rangers
Set: 6 dancers, 32“ (long) sticks, single steps
Source: New St. George Morris, with modifications by the Bassett Street Hounds
Chorus: wind up and circle on beats 7-8. Dib back on beat 1, then partner F-B (beats 2-3), back (4), partner (5-6), back (7-8). Then swapping: circle around person diagonally to left, clashing on beat 3, then continue circling to partner's place by beat 6. Repeat entire chorus.
Figures: Once to Yourself (back up on beats 1-4), Cross Into Rounds, Interlocks, Solar System, Spaghetti Junction, Cross Into Rounds & Off
dances/border/alexandra-park-road-description.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/28 12:36 by Jeff Bigler