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2017 "Kettle of Fish" Ale

Friday June 2 - Sunday June 4, 2017

Greater Boston, MA

Teams Attending

The following teams have confirmed that they're coming:

If you would like to be added to (or removed from) the list of invitees to this and future ales, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Friday June 2: Meet & Greet, Belmont, MA

6:00-10:00pm     Meet & greet, 22 Clifton St., Belmont, MA

Saturday June 3, Salem, MA

The following is the tentative schedule. Times and locations are subject to change.


There are two convenient parking garages:

  • Waterfront Garage (corner of Derby St. & Congress St.; 25¢/hr.)
  • Downtown Garage (next to the PEM; 75¢/hr.)

Parking meter rates are either 25¢/hr. or $1/hr, depending on the street. Meters take dimes, quarters, or the Passport Parking (ppprk) app.

For the massed stand at Salem Willows Park, there is plenty of free parking on the grass near the entrance to the park.

Updated Schedule

Unfortunately, Midnight Capers turned out at the last minute to be unable to attend the ale. This means that the list of which teams are dancing at which locations has changed, as of 10pm on Friday June 2.

Teams whose tour locations have changed are displayed in yellow.

Times Description
Essex Street Mall (near the PEM)
160 Essex St., Salem
  • Bassett Street Hounds
  • Heartwood Morris
  • Millstone River Morris
  • Red Herring Morris
  • Snowbelt Morris
Derby Wharf/Salem Maritime National Park
160 Derby St., Salem
  • Firebird Morris
  • Forest City Morris & Sword
  • Jack in the Green Morris Men
  • Midnight Capers Morris
  • Pipe Dream Morris
12:00-1:30 lunch: Murphy's Pub, 300 Derby St., Salem
Essex Street Mall (near the PEM)
160 Essex St., Salem
  • Firebird Morris
  • Jack in the Green Morris Men
  • Pipe Dream Morris
Derby Wharf/Salem Maritime National Park
160 Derby St., Salem
  • Millstone River Morris
  • Red Herring Morris
  • Snowbelt Morris
Southwest Corner of Salem Common
near Hawthorne Hotel & Witch Museum
  • Bassett Street Hounds
  • Forest City Morris & Sword
  • Heartwood Morris
  • Midnight Capers
3:30-5:00 massed stand: Salem Willows Park, 167 Fort Ave., Salem
6:00-10:00 feast: Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont

The evening feast will be at the Payson Park Church in Belmont from 6:00-10:00pm.

Assuming we have callers who are willing, there will be a contra dance. You can download our collection of contra tunes if you would like to look at them in advance.

Sunday June 4, Boston, MA


The recommended place to park is in the International Place Garage in Boston. (Use the address "1 International Place, Boston" in your GPS.) The garage is across the channel from the Children's Museum, about midway between the museum and Hennessey's. The cost is $7 if you use the coupon at and scan the bar code before you pay. (It works to scan the barcode from your phone. Cost is $12 without the coupon.)

You can also park in the Channelside Lot (about a block from the Children's Museum, entrance at 55 Necco St.) for $5.

If you are arriving by MTBA public transportation, the closest stop to the Children's Museum is South Station on the Red Line subway.


Times Description
10:30-12:00 Boston Children's Museum
308 Congress Street, Boston
MBTA: South Station (Red Line)
12:30-2:00 lunch: Hennessey's
25 Union Street, Boston

Massed Dances

Massed dances will be chosen from the following.

The links for tunes are to the Morris Ring archive, which shows the keys as collected in Lionel Bacon's Handbook of Morris Dances. These are not necessarily the keys we will play in--we will choose a key by consensus of the musicians, which in most cases will probably be G major/E minor.


  • Adderbury: South Australia
  • Bampton: Highland Mary
  • Field Town: Balance the Straw ,
  • Winster: Morris March (Processional)



The ale booklet includes directions to the dance stands, parking and lunch and dinner locations. Please download and/or print a copy. We will have some copies available at the Friday Meet & Greet and at the first stand on Saturday.


Out-of-town guests who need a place to stay will be billetted with members of Red Herring Morris and other Boston-area morris families. Contact us if you have not heard from your host by Wednesday May 31.


We will provide dinner at the Meet & Greet on Friday evening, a pub/restaurant lunch and catered dinner on Saturday, and a pub/restaurant lunch on Sunday. Breakfast for billeted guests will be provided by their hosts.

Food and soft drinks and one beer (for those over 21) will be provided with lunch, but guests will need to purchase any additional alcoholic beverages they want. Food and drink (including beer and cider) will be provided with dinner.


  • All weekend (Friday evening through Sunday lunch):
    • Adults (age 21 and over): $75
    • Teenagers (ages 13-20): $55
    • Children (ages 5-12): $30
    • Children under 5: free
  • Saturday only:
    • Adults (age 21 and over): $40
    • Teenagers (ages 13-20): $30
    • Children (ages 5-12): $20
    • Children under 5: free


This year's T-shirt design, by Laura Bigler, depicts the Friendship (a replica of a 1700s merchant vessel) under sail, with the Herrings dancing in the water in the foreground.

All shirts must be pre-ordered by Sunday May 21. (If you don't pre-order, we won't order a shirt for you.)

Give Us Your Information

If you are attending the ale, please give us your information ASAP by filling out the Kettle of Fish RSVP Form :

Pay your Ale Fees

You can pay ale fees via PayPal for you and/or your teammates/guests, or feel free to bring your checkbook and pay us at the ale.

If you pay in person by cash or check, be sure to enclose your payment in an envelope, and write on the outside of the envelope:

  • The name of your team
  • A detailed list of whom and what the payment is for.


We will provide ale buttons ("badges", if you're from the UK) with quotable quotes. If you're curious, you can read the collection of ale button quotes.


In early June in New England, the weather is usually warm and sometimes hot, but just about any kind of weather is possible, including beautiful & sunny, hot & muggy, or cold & rainy. Check the forecast close to the event and watch this space for details.

In the event of light rain, we will dance as scheduled. If it rains heavily we have alternate plans with indoor locations. Watch this space as we get closer to the event.

Invitation List

If you would like to be added to (or removed from) the list of invitees to this and future ales, please fill out this form.



URL of this page:
Last updated: 06/30/17 by Red Herring Morris
Date of access (today's date): 03/06/25

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